4. Programming
Connect both atmel ice programmer and FTDI cable to the board and the laptop from which the programming will be uploaded.
Open the arduino file given demo.io in Arduino ide and then add the additional boards package to read attiny44, by opening file menu clicking preferences. Paste this {link}(https://raw.githubusercontent.com/damellis/attiny/ide-1.6.x-boards-manager/package_damellis_attiny_index.json) in the additional boards manager url.
- To install it navigate to tools menu and then click on boards manager in boards drop down menu.
- Search for attiny and click on install on the first package visible.
- Now to set up the controller and programming settings, Go to the tools menu, choose from Boards, ATtiny microcontrollers and then select Attiny25/45/85.
Another settings in tools menu, in processor and then select ATtiny45
Change also in clock to internal 8 MHz.
- Last but not the least, in the programmers drop down menu select Atmel ICE (AVR).
Do not select the com port
- Note make sure the driver for attiny is installed , by checking in the device manager. (driver) if not installed clickhere to install it.
- Now upload the code by upload using programmer in the sketch menu.
Enjoy the victory!
- To activate the interface between the laptop and the pcb, comment and uncomment the lines shown.
Upload as previously described by using programmer option.
Now remove the programmer cable, open the processing application and open the file given led_pattern processing file.
Change the port serial 0/1/2/3 according to each laptop configuration. 2 was working for me.
- Now click on Run.
- This is some description from the codeā¦.. Create an integer called w store in it 100.
- Also Implement the if else condition for the 2nd button.
Have fun!